Dive Into the New Age of Data protection
Our Services
Strong Cryptography platform
nCripter is our leading solution for data protection, through strong cryptography and standard and custom tokenization methods and de use of HSM infrastructure.
Standard functionality includes the following cryptographic methods:
Management of signatures/certificates
Issuance of certificates
Symmetric and asymmetric cryptography
Data masking
Authentication and identity management
Secure file sharing
nCripter File Sharing is our solution to share files of any type, securely. This solution uses our entire nCripter Cloud infrastructure; with which it inherits the strong cryptography that nCripter provides.
The information shared through nCripter File Sharing is encrypted by nCripter backend, with a key created by the owner user and this is stored in the cloud, in the form of a cryptogram that can only be accessed by the person sharing it or by the recipient to whom it was shared.
Versatility in Service
We have enough experience in applications, computer equipment and communications that are currently handled in the market and that play an important role for your business. Our team of experts guarantees a work environment, free of delays and high quality deliveries.
You can prove our excellence by contacting us and choosing one of our solutions.
An expert hand is always behind great achievements. At Eruditsioon, we understand that you are looking for that expert hand from a technical and managerial point of view. Our hand will help you focus your efforts on your core business, giving it a new face and making it more competitive in the market.
Full Customer Experience Service
Our fast-growing firm has now established itself in 3 countries around the world and those clients for whom we have been a digital bridge are now proof of our impeccable dedication and services. On the other hand; For you to hire our services, you do not have to pay those gigantic checks that you usually pay with large corporations; as our focus is on customer service and providing you with extraordinary and affordable rates.
We Integrate With Your Ecosystem
Through our services and products we are integrated into the value chain of our clients and their clients in their processes and operations that involve software solutions. This value chain helps organizations to be more efficient in the specific areas they need, guaranteeing solid results; thanks to our software specialization and data knowledge from start to finish.